Sixteenth Century Society Sexual Harassment Policy

The Sixteenth Century Society promotes a welcoming and inclusive culture. We are committed to making our meetings and activities spaces where all members and participants feel safe and can thrive professionally. Harassment harms the individual and damages our scholarly community by discouraging participation and limiting the free expression and exchange of ideas. Sexual harassment will not be tolerated. Sexual harassment is behavior (speech or actions) in formal or informal settings that “demeans, humiliates, or threatens an individual on the basis of their sex, gender, gender expression, or sexual orientation [modified SAA]. Sex-based harassment can also take nonsexual forms and includes discriminatory remarks or actions based on anindividual’s sex, gender, gender expression, and sexual

orientation [EEOC and SAA].” “Sexual harassment includes unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal comment or physical conduct of a sexual nature by a person who knows or ought reasonably to know that such conduct is unwanted, including situations in which (i) the request or conduct involves any implied or expressed promise of professional reward for complying; or (ii) the request or conduct involves any implied or expressed threat of reprisal or denial of opportunity for refusing to comply; or (iii) the request or conduct results in what reasonably may be perceived as a hostile or intimidating environment. Such examples are illustrative, not exhaustive. [SBL].” It is also important to recognize that sexual harassment can intersect with other forms of harassment and discrimination (e.g. racial, ethnic, or religious).

Addressing Violations of the Policy

The Sixteenth Century Society seeks to provide meaningful support to members who have experienced sexual harassment at the annual meeting. If you have experienced sexual harassment at the Sixteenth Century Society meeting or have concerns about violations of the Society’s Sexual Harassment Policy (see above) please contact the Executive Director, President, or any member of the Executive Committee. These individuals can act as confidential “sounding boards, confidantes, and informal advisers; they can also confer with you confidentially about possible next steps” [SAA] and can outline the resources that are available (e.g. escort you to a room, call security, contact law enforcement, etc) and provide support while you utilize these resources. These individuals cannot provide legal advice.

All communications are confidential and the details of such conversations will not be reported, except as required by law. Reporting an incident of sexual harassment or concerns about violations of the policy does not obligate the reporter to pursue any further action. These individuals are not empowered to investigate claims; they act solely as individuals who can listen and provide information about and access to resources. As a voluntary professional organization with a small staff, the Society is limited in its ability to respond formally to charges of sexual harassment. Nonetheless, within these constraints, the Society will follow its professional and ethical responsibility to “support vulnerable members of the community and to strategize to end the harassment in question.” [SAA] EEOC: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission SAA: Shakespeare Association of America SBL: Society for Biblical Literature.